onsdag den 12. december 2012

Beautiful christmastimes!

Saturday last last weekend, Mom, Ida and I went to a swedish bazar, mostly because of Ida but also to check it out. There was a lot of nice things to buy + swedish food and swedish people to talk to.
The same night, we went to see the Broad Musical "Marry Poppins" - an early christmas present from Mom & Dad. The people were really talented and it was very well done!

The last week I had swim practice Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I didn't go because of the Falls Sports awards, which was and award night for, in my case Cross Country, and all the other Fall sports.

Friday we went to a christmas party with Dad's work. There were games, music, dance and another exchange student from Germany that we already knew, was there too. It was tons of fun!
The day after we had another christmas party, but with many of the other exchange students from YFU. A host family hosting a swiss student had taken the initiative to arrange a nice afternoon for us. We played a gift-game, decorated ornaments and ate good snacks. It was nice to see some of the people again.

Actually I also got the date for when i'm returned home settled the other day. It's gonna be the 21st of June so far.. Wauw - the time has gone by SO fast!

So far as the whether goes, we do sadly enough not have any snow or anything that looks like :(
It it hard to get in christmas mood without the chilly whether, but all the beautiful christmas lights around in the neighborhood compensates well. We have also gotten our christmas tree up, the stockings are put over the fireplace, and we can't run away from the christmas jingles on the radio - so a little bit christmas-ish is it ;)

This week I have school and swim practice as usual, and on Friday we have a "meet" (swim competition), which i'm already a little bit nervous about.

My pictures are a little bit messed up in the order, but I hope y'all will enjoy them anyhow




If you have problems with understanding what i'm writing, it might help using: http://translate.google.dk/?hl=da&tab=wT :)

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej smukke.

    Dejligt at du opdaterer din blog.....jeg ved at der er mange der følger med i hvad du oplever:) Og de skal bare lige vide, hvor glad du bliver for en kommentar.....!
    Juleudsmykning på amerikansk som jeg kan se på dine billeder.....måske en smule mere pyntet end på Lunddalvej. Det er nu et flot juletræ i har i huset - men det må være lidt underligt at købe juletræ i 14-15 graders varme og solskin.
    Efter en kold periode i DK er det i dag ca 4 g. og sneen er stort set smeltet.
    Vi har vist en masse gråvejr og regn i udsigten.....så hvid jul tror jeg ikke på.
    Det var rigtig hyggeligt at du på skype fik hilst på familien i går. Og godt at høre om din december "over there".
    Hils familien fra os.

    Krammer fra Mor
