mandag den 3. juni 2013

Birthday Party & PROM NIGHT!

This past weekend:
Friday night I went to my italian friend Federicia's (Kika) 18th birthday party. We danced and I enjoyed talking to some of the people there. It was great to see her so happy! 

Although prom is only for seniors, exchange students get the privilege of attending, so I went there with my friend Bella, Ida and her friend Kat. Ida and I started getting ready around 2 pm since the other girls were coming at 5 pm. Although it is very common for girls to get hair and make-up done by a professional, we both decided to do it on our own - good thing we started early ;)
When the girls came we went outside to take a bunch of pictures, and hereafter enjoyed a yummy dinner brought home from Outback Statehouse. Kat's mom drove us to Norfolk where the prom was taking place at something called "Halfmoon cruise." - SO BEAUTIFUL!

Due to the theme this year "A Night Beneath the Stars," there was a photo booth where people could get their picture taken and hereafter had the choice between different backgrounds with stars. The venue was beautifully decorated and people were all dressed up and looked amazing (only a few disasters). The night also offered lots of (inappropriate) dancing, fun taking pictures, a chocolate fountain with delicious fruits, and (ghetto) music. Despite the dancing and the music, I had a really good night. 
It was fun to experience a real american prom night! 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hej smukke:)
    Wauw.......i er nogle smukke piger. Og kjolerne er fantastiske. Kan godt se at du bliver nødt til at have plads til en lang kjole i dit skab her på Lunddalvej......:)
    Glæder mig til vi snart ses....:)
    Krammer mor

  2. 13/06/13

    Hej Stine

    HVOR ER i PIGER SMUKKE SIKKE NOGLE FLOTTE KJOLER.Det må være fantastisk at have sådan en kjole på.Håber du får brug for den når du snart kommer hjem.
    Vi glæder os til vi snart skal se dig.

    mange kram fra Mormor
